Some Vital Crane Rigging Rules For The Construction Worksite Newbie


Your first day on a construction site is usually busy but a good one—you're learning a lot but also finally getting started in the field. Sometimes, after the first few weeks, you finally get a handle on a bunch of processes, but really, you just have the basics down. One of the tasks you may have to deal with eventually is rigging a crane to lift items, and as simple as it looks, it's one of the more dangerous jobs on the site.

Don't Ignore the Critical Lift Plan

You'll encounter both routine and critical lifts. Your worksite will have a plan for each of these types, and you should never ignore the critical plan if that's what you've been told to consult. Basically, a critical lift is one in which the crane is lifting something that is larger, heavier, more dangerous, or all three, than what the crane routinely lifts. No matter how simple it seems, never ignore the critical plan because if you do, the rigging could break, the items could drop, the crane could topple, and people could be hurt. A critical lift will be supervised by the most senior person on-site (in terms of experience and job title), so follow their lead.

Inspect Everything Daily, Even if You Haven't Moved It

When you have something attached to a crane, you always have to inspect it, over and over again. Even if you leave rigging supplies attached to the crane for a few hours while you leave the site, you need to reinspect them when you get back. This allows you to ensure that nothing is loosening up and that no one has accidentally changed anything you had set up. You also get additional chances to find frayed items.

Keep an Eye on the Weather

You need sufficient time to get jobs done, or at least to cover things up, before bad weather hits. You are already likely checking the weather report in the morning, but take time on your break to glance at the updated report for the day. Storms can brew up at any time, even if it didn't seem like there was a chance for them earlier.

Never Assume You Know What You're Doing

It's so easy to become complacent when you successfully complete difficult jobs multiple times. It's understandable, and it happens to everyone at some point. But do your best to never assume that you know what you're doing. Double-check, measure twice, inspect again, and keep in mind that it's often the little things that can trip up a task.

Crane rigging is difficult, but when you take the right precautions, you'll soon develop a good routine that lets you inspect and check easily.


17 August 2018

Protecting Your Employees

My family owns a thriving timber business. For over thirty years, they have been meeting their customers’ needs in my home state. One of the reasons for their success is their commitment to purchasing state-of-the-art heavy construction equipment to use in their business. After buying the most technologically advanced machinery available on the market, they also strive to maintain it for the safety of their employees. If you own a business, you need to regularly schedule a professional to check the safety of your heavy construction equipment. On this blog, you will discover how to protect your employees by hiring someone to regularly check the safety of your machinery.